Randy and Margie Lawler


Oasis Church plant in London under Randy & Margie Lawler

In May 1975 Randy and Margie joined Operation Mobilization and moved to Belgium with three children.  It was in Belgium where God called them to minister to Muslims. In 1976 they moved to the Sudan with three small children. In 1978 they moved to London to start a ministry they have lead for 35 years. Three more children were born in the UK.

Their focus of ministry is the Oasis International Church which Randy pastors. It is a small international church with a focus on reaching peoples from Muslim backgrounds.  

At present they have Muslim Background Believers’ (MBB’s) from Iran, Iraq, Syria and Somalia. There are also American, British, Indian, Brazilian, Canadian, South Korean, Palestinian, Bolivian, and Swiss members in the church. There are about 25 children in the Sunday school with the majority from Muslim backgrounds. 

The Lawlers are happy to have short term mission teams come to London. They give training in cross-cultural mission and ministry to Muslims. Help is always needed in children’s ministry, evangelism and worship along with practical helps for the Sunday service.